EPC series numerical control electric spiral press

EPC series numerical control electric spiral press

The EPC series electric spiral press is a energy-saving CNC forging device with simple structure, strong anti-load ability, accurate strike energy control, good forming precision, and convenient operation and maintenance. The electrical system adopts digital control, which can be divided into multi-position automatic forging according to the process requirements of forging, and can be connected with other auxiliary machines to form an automated forging line. Compared with the same tonnage of friction presses, energy conservation can reach more than 48.5 %. It is an ideal forging equipment for aviation, aerospace, weapons, railways, and construction machinery.

Main technical parameters unit EPC-160 EPC-300 EPC-400 EPC-630 EPC-1000 EPC-1600 EPC-2500 EPC-4000 EPC-6300 EPC-8000 EPC-10000 EPC-12500 EPC-16000
Common power kN 1600 3000 4000 6300 10000 16000 25000 40000 63000 80000 100000 125000 160000
Permitted strike force
(Center Loading) 
kN 2500 4800 6300 10000 16000 25000 40000 63000 100000 125000 160000 200000 250000
Moving part of the energy kJ 10 20 36 80 140 280 500 1000 1600 2280 4000 5000 7400
Slide Trip mm 300 380 400 500 500 550 650 750 850 900 1000 1100 1200
Number of trips min-1 30 26 24 21 18 18 14 11 8 8 6 5 5
Minimum mounting height mm 300 430 450 560 640 770 900 1300 1380 1450 1700 1800 2000
Workbench cushion thickness mm 120 120 120 160 180 200 280 300 320 350 350 400 400
around mm 600 700 750 900 800 1200 1400 1900 2150 2600 2800 2900 3000
about mm 560 640 700 820 750 1100 1250 1600 1800 2000 2400 2500 2700

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